Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Our house is still hot

We had a good portion of the Shippen family over tonight and we took a walk over to the 1776 flags on display on Broadway and Bellin Road. A nice man named Mr. Cluff that was volunteering invited us to go up on the big lift to look out over the flags. Raleigh decided he was scared of heights along with Tyler and McKay. We went about halfway up and Sarah and Connor got scared so we took them back down. Emma, Kysa, B.J, me, Nancy, and Jean went to the full height and I took a couple neat pictures. Kysa was buckled into her stroller so she didn't have much of a choice, but she did good.

We came back to the house and had marshmallows and hotdogs. It was the first time everybody had seen the house, except for Emmett. Sue was with Amy's family on the way back from Boise. They didn't make it to Menan until after midnight. Hopefully they can come over sometime in the next couple of days.

Justin is coming home from his mission on the 9th. Can't believe it's been two years! His homecoming is on the 13th at 8:30 a.m.!!! Yikes, I wonder how we are going to pull that off.

On another note, I need to vent. Or should I say, "I need A vent!" I love everything about this house except I wish it had central air and an air conditioner. I think I'll get a window unit. But at least here we can go downstairs. The bottom two levels are cool. But I feel bad for the girls upstairs when they take their naps because it can get really H-O-T.

Shay's favorite word continues to be Raleigh. It has replaced "No" as her word of choice. When she wakes up in the morning she just starts yelling for him, over and over. It's adorable. I think that Raleigh is her hero because he is nice to her and protects her from Kysa. She doesn't say Kysa's name yet.

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