Sunday, January 29, 2012

Traumatized by Sandlot

As we were preparing for Sunday dinner, Shay had some important things on her mind. She told me,

"Mom, I am going to be lifeguard when I get big. But when some kid jumps off something, I'm not going to help them. I want their friends to help them."

Why Shay?

"Because I don't want to kiss them. Ewwww. He was not big enough to kiss that lifeguard. I never want a boy to do that if I am a lifeguard when I am big."

I said, "Well, the good thing is they don't teach you to do rescue breaths with CPR anymore."

(As if Shay is going to have a clue what that means.)

But apparently Kysa picked up what I was putting down...sort of.

She said, "Yeah, they just whopp their belly to get them to breathe!"

Return at Fred Meyer

Shay had me busting up earlier this week.  After I picked her up from preschool at Theresa Bunker Elementary, I informed her that  we were going to Fred Meyer because I needed to return some shorts.

She immediately replied, “Because you stole them?” 
Who does she think I am!  J    

Teaching Kids Reverence and Respect

Ty and I had to talk in church today.  My topic was "teaching children reverence and respect."  After church, Kysa tapped me on the shoulder to tell me she was going home in dad's car. Ty was talking with someone in the foyer, so Raleigh, Shay, and I headed out to the car and drove home.

As we headed into the house, Ty pulled in, concerned.  "Kysa's not with you?"  Nope.

I thought, "Now that will teach her some respect."

When he got back to the church he found her chilling by the coat rack in the foyer, not crying, with a smile on her face.  When we left the church building, Kysa told us she was looking for Shay's coat, which she didn't realize I had already found.  Ty didn't see her anywhere and assumed she had left with us.    But I guess if you're going to accidentally leave your kid somewhere, the churchhouse would be at the top of the list.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Living in the Hospital / Toothbrushes

As we embark on a New Year, I am resolving to be more consistent about posting to the blog.  Here are a couple anecdotes I've been meaning to post:

Christmas Eve Ty was talking to the kids about being grateful for all of our blessings, like having a warm house to live in.  "Do you know some people don't even have houses to live in?"  He asked.

After thinking about that somber fact for a moment, Kysa responded, "Yes, some people live in the HOSPITAL!"  A few seconds later, as she pondered some more she added, "Oh, and the Indians don't live in houses."

Yesterday I took the girls to the Melaleuca store and I let them each get a new toothbrush.  As we checked out I noticed they both had a blue toothbrush.  "Girls, wouldn't it be a good idea to get different colors so you can tell your toothbrushes apart?"

They were both insistent that blue was their favorite color.  What to do?  I told them I would just have to write their names on the handles or something.  Then Kysa decided to take one for the team and headed to the toothbrush section.  Shay soon followed, much to my chagrin.  I looked at the cashier and she smiled and said, "You know, neither of them will come back with a blue toothbrush."

Sure enough, Kysa came back with a green toothbrush, followed by Shay....with a green toothbrush.

Pretty much sums up what we're dealing with at this stage.