Sunday, January 29, 2012

Traumatized by Sandlot

As we were preparing for Sunday dinner, Shay had some important things on her mind. She told me,

"Mom, I am going to be lifeguard when I get big. But when some kid jumps off something, I'm not going to help them. I want their friends to help them."

Why Shay?

"Because I don't want to kiss them. Ewwww. He was not big enough to kiss that lifeguard. I never want a boy to do that if I am a lifeguard when I am big."

I said, "Well, the good thing is they don't teach you to do rescue breaths with CPR anymore."

(As if Shay is going to have a clue what that means.)

But apparently Kysa picked up what I was putting down...sort of.

She said, "Yeah, they just whopp their belly to get them to breathe!"

Return at Fred Meyer

Shay had me busting up earlier this week.  After I picked her up from preschool at Theresa Bunker Elementary, I informed her that  we were going to Fred Meyer because I needed to return some shorts.

She immediately replied, “Because you stole them?” 
Who does she think I am!  J    

1 comment:

mariann and Tory said...

Hey Kaly! I stummbled onto your blog! This is Mariann Duff Baxter...hope you don't mind! Your little family is so dang cute! My blog is private, but if you want to stop by...send me an email and I will invite you!