Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shay's diagnosis

I took Shay to the doctor today.  She has had a runny nose for like 3 weeks and had a rough night and a low grade fever this morning, so we thought maybe an ear infection.  Turns out she doesn’t have anything that needs treated with antibiotics.  She might be teething, or just have another virus…it’s probably teething.  But we did get one solid diagnosis:  Shay has a serious case of bratitis.  The symptoms include whining, throwing her head back when she doesn’t get her way, hitting Kysa, crying when mom or dad leaves the room, and constantly saying “no”.  The prescription is for her parents to stop spoiling her immediately.  This is hard to do when “bratitis” can be confused with really being sick, as parents feel like they need to hold and comfort her since she must be sick if she is acting like she is so miserable.  However, this only prolongs the bratitis. 

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