Sunday, November 4, 2007

Busy October, Birthdays, Minico Football, Bathroom Escape

Man, it feels good to have October over with. Don't get me wrong--it's my favorite month. But that last week was BUSY! With mom's surgery on October 26th, my birthday and Raleigh's five year old birthday, Halloween activities including the party at Shane and Nancy's house with all the Shippens and the Snake River Landing Trick or Treat event, finishing my finance class and CORE class for my real estate continuing ed and broker's license...let's just say I feel some relief. Thank goodness Ty took the kids out to Sue's and she watched them on Monday for me so I could take my tests. I would have been up a creek without that day to get everything done.

Right now I'm finishing up the first draft for our commercial real estate article for Prospectus. Once that's done, then I'll really be able to take a breath. A little one anyway.

Raleigh had a rough night on Friday as we went to Pocatello to watch the showdown been undefeated Minico and undefeated Blackfoot. Blackfoot pulled it out in a game that Minico could easily have won--it was such an exciting game, but since we didn't end up on top, I was literally sick about it. I couldn't imagine how it felt for the parents, players, and coaches. Minico had such an awesome team and they were fun to watch.

This is what Coach Perrigot had to say..."“I’m so proud of these kids,” “They’ve done more for Minico football than any team in history.”

I agree wholeheartedly. It was amazing how the community came out to support that team.

I was very sad it was over...but back to Raleigh. After the game, there was such a bottleneck to get out of the Holt Arena parking lot that Ty took Kysa and Raleigh to play on the playground on the east end of the parking lot. I went back into Holt with Shay to go to the bathroom and make her a bottle, and Ty called me on my cell to tell me to get back out there because Raleigh had fallen and knocked his teeth out. It was pretty traumatic for Raleigh and his dad...poor kid, now he's lost two baby teeth, with one more that might fall out anytime. (He knocked out one when he tripped at Grandma Sue's house and hit the couch when he was three!) This time he had tripped going up the stairs, and since it was cold he had his hands in his pocket so he couldn't catch himself. Ty said he hit the first step. So it wasn't really something Ty could have prevented. Isn't that usually the case though! He was pretty distraught for the first 15 minutes, but calmed down on the way home and has handled it very well since. Grandpa Jer-Bear came out and tried to help comfort him. He could offer some advice since he knocked out his PERMANENT front teeth roller skating or something when he was a kid. I guess life goes on...for Raleigh and for Minico!

I have to add that i am very relieved that mom is feeling better. I don't think her back is perfect, but she's way better off than before the surgery, and I just pray that she'll continue to improve. I'm hopeful she'll feel good so we can come to Thanksgiving at her house.

This picture to the left was taken of the girls with Aunt Claire at my great Aunt Barbara Hodge's funeral. I have such cool aunts. Aunt Claire stopped at our house on HER birthday and brought us an apple pie. It was fun to sit and visit with her. She's always doing nice things for us when she gets a chance.

Raleigh had an interesting experience with bullying at church today. He went to the bathroom during primary, and a ten year old boy in our ward decided it would be funny to hold the bathroom door stall shut so Raleigh couldn't get out. Raleigh ended up crawling underneath the stall and making it back to his class He was a little shaken up and told his teacher what had happened. We found out about it after church when the primary president called, and the boy came over to our house with his mom and apologized. I think he was genuinely sorry. But it made me worry about what else could happen to an unsupervised 5 year old in a bathroom stall. We had a talk with Raleigh about not going to the bathroom by himself, and he said, "that's like the rules at my preschool." Apple has been good about safety with the kids on their bathroom breaks. So we told Raleigh that the Apple rules apply everywhere. Just not something that we've thought about--bathroom safety at church. UGHHHH!

I helped in the nursery today and Kysa had a great time during singing time, as always. She's quite the little dancer. She doesn't really sing, but LOVES to do the actions to songs like "Popcorn Popping", "Once there was a Snowman", and "The Wheels on the Bus".

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