by posted a picture on her facebook profile of Natalie Maines for "doppelganger week"--you're supposed to post your celebrity look alike. Well, I have only been told I look like one celebrity in my life. One of the track athletes at BYU would always tell me that I looked like Sarah Michelle Gellar. I didn't think so. But I uploaded a picture to the MyHeritage thing that uses facial recognition to tell you which celebrities you look most similar to, and guess what, he was right! Funny, she was my top match at 82%, however you figure that. Hilarious.
Now I'm gonna upload ty's picture and see if NBA bball players are in their database, because Peja is most definitely Ty's look-alike.
So I just uploaded a picture of Ty, and this is hilarious--these are his top five matches, in order. Whaaaaat?
But we all know who Ty really looks like. When he was playing at UAA a few times opposing fans would chant "Peja, Peja!" at his games.
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