Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kysa Just Burped

Ty commented on the burp, and Kysa said, “No, my mouth FARTED!” 




Saturday, January 30, 2010

Doppelganger Week

by posted a picture on her facebook profile of Natalie Maines for "doppelganger week"--you're supposed to post your celebrity look alike.  Well, I have only been told I look like one celebrity in my life.  One of the track athletes at BYU would always tell me that I looked like Sarah Michelle Gellar.  I didn't think so.  But I uploaded a picture to the MyHeritage thing that uses facial recognition to tell you which celebrities you look most similar to, and guess what, he was right!  Funny, she was my top match at 82%, however you figure that.  Hilarious. 

Now I'm gonna upload ty's picture and see if NBA bball players are in their database, because Peja is most definitely Ty's look-alike.

So I just uploaded a picture of Ty, and this is hilarious--these are his top five matches, in order. Whaaaaat?

But we all know who Ty really looks like.  When he was playing at UAA a few times opposing fans would chant "Peja, Peja!" at his games.

Bountiful Basket Saturday

My friend Jenna Ware Foster (who lived in I.F. for awhile but has since
moved back to Southern Utah with her husband Jeff), told me about a food
co-op called Bountiful Baskets. I tried it out today. $18 for all these
fruits and veggies, and they are fresh and delicious! Totally random, but
I'm kinda excited about it. I'm hoping to get 3-4 neighbors to order each
week so we can take turns picking up our baskets. Check it You have to place your order between Noon on
Tuesday and Wednesday morning. (The very first order costs an extra $3, but
after that it's just $15.)

We had a fun morning at Apple with games at 10 and 11 a.m. Raleigh was a
little goofy today for some reason. Did better in the 2nd round of games.
Afterwards we went to Godfather's with the Jenkins and then I took the girls
for a long ride to Firth to get my basket. The pick-up site will sometimes
be in Idaho Falls, and I'm hoping if I can get some friends in on this we
can just take turns picking up each other's baskets.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Our Snow Man

We got a lot of snow today so we went sledding at Troy Park this afternoon and then made this giant snow man.  Raleigh is tied for 2nd place in Skyline's huge Bowl Game pool so we are watching the college football games intently as Ty charts where he's at on a grid with all the entrants and all the picks.  He went 4/5 today.  We enjoyed the Ohio State vs. Oregon game.  I let Shay come to Albertson's with me to get groceries just before we took this picture.  I enjoy taking the kids one-on-one.  Taking all of them to the store...that's another story.