Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Brentwood Ward BBQ

Raleigh went to the ward BBQ with our 11 year old neighbor Amy and her parents from across the street. We came shortly after, but Ty couldn’t make it because he had his last city league basketball game for the summer with some of his former Skyline players—Eric Davis, Tyler Bird, and Jeremy Kuns, although Jeremy wasn’t there tonight. They lost by a few to Jeremy Barrett’s team.

The BBQ was fun and I got some help from the Valentines waiting in line, and another neighbor girl named Makenna who would like to do some babysitting for me. YAY! The more babysitters the better. So far I just have Alicia Jones. I think Amy will be good once she gets more experience with kids. She’s an only child, and Raleigh just loves playing with her. She is sweet with the girls but she hasn’t had any experience taking care of little ones.

I took a bath with Shay tonight for the first time, and she decided to celebrate the occasion by pooping in the tub. She at a bunch of raisins this morning—enough said. First and last time for that.

A couple days ago Ty was playing with Kysa and pointed to her and said, “Kysa smart.” Then pointed to himself and said, “Daddy smart.” Kysa pointed to Ty and said, “Daddy fart!” Big chuckles. Then she said, “Raleigh fart ALL NIGHT.” Bigger chuckles. Kysa likes to tell us about doing things “all day” and “all night.” I don’t know where she picked it up.

Shay continues to change every day. She’s got quite the little personality. She’s very aggressive with other little kids, and I’m sure it’s because of Kysa. I really have to watch her.

I have been working out a lot, eating better, and drinking a lot more water instead of diet pop. I was about 173 pounds after the 4th of July and as of Monday I was down to 157. I think when I got married I weighed around 145. I think I’ll get there. I ran (and walked) 7 miles today in 70 minutes plus did about 10 minutes of stair stepper. I have impeccable timing as far as motivation goes because of the Olympics—I’m just dying to work out. I LOVE WATCHING THE OLYMPICS!!! The thing that got me going was a 6 week weight loss challenge through the City of Idaho Falls, but run by Herbalife distributor Deon Brady. She’s in amazing shape and has been inspiring, but I think the reason I’ve been diligent in eating better and working out is the accountability of weighing in on Mondays AND the fact I’d like to win the challenge. I am committed. I haven’t been since I had Shay, and it feels good. I think it has impacted me more than I’ve realized. There is something to be said for self-actualization. Life is one indivisible whole! When I don’t feel good physically, I am not at my best emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and socially. I don’t know if it impacts everyone the same, but since I know what it’s like to be in shape it’s really hard not to be.

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