Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Raleigh's First Touchdown

Raleigh usually plays center but used a little razzle dazzle when he got the chance to play runningback tonight and scored his first touchdown.  He also scored a point after on a running play.  His team is undefeated with 3 games left in the season.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arEJc5DDXSE

Raleigh's team is lucky to have a couple very dedicated coaches and they are teaching them a ton.  Brad Perkins is the head coach, assisted by Eli Ames' grandpa J.D. They practice 2x/week, and I just noticed how the kids in the clip do a good job of trying to get out and block, even when he changes direction.  Raleigh didn't want to fly to Vegas with our family because he was concerned about missing his football game.  They are undefeated with three games left in the season.  Go Grizz

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