Saturday, March 8, 2008

97 Days Until the Teton Dam Marathon

It's been on my list of things to do for a long time: run a marathon.

I can check it off my list on June 14th.

I signed up for the Teton Dam Marathon. Here is the link to the site:

I have 97 more days to train. I am going to run 3 times a week with speed work on Mondays or Tuesdays, a tempo run on Wednesdays or Thursdays, and my long runs on Saturdays. I

will spin, swim, or play basketball on the other days with at least one session of weight training/week.

Doing a cross-training program will help me get ready for the Spudman at the end of July.

Here is my 14 week training plan that will start immediately:


camfox said...

Dang Kaly! Way to go. How's it going? Those workouts look intense. How are you finding the time? When do you work out?

Kaly Shippen said...

Ha, it's going to be the half-marathon at the most. My workouts have consisted of re-doing cabinets and tiling the new house, and will soon consist of grouting, cleaning, and moving! This move is going to take up any and all free time--I just feel guilty if I go run. I don't know what i was thinking. I think I will save all that ambition from that post and plan a marathon after we are settled in the new house. I am an idiot.

Kaly Shippen said...

It's August and I am back to marathon planning again. Am I an idiot or what? I don't know if I should just start training or if I should pick a marathon (again), and then train, but actually follow through. SEriously there was no way I could have (sanely) completed this goal in the spring. But I think it's more realistic now with being settled in the new house and with Raleigh starting kindergarten....we shall see.