Monday, June 23, 2008

Kysa and the Monkey Bars

Kirby came over last weekend and we were in the kitchen talking while Kysa was out playing in the backyard with Kirby’s dog Poot.  We heard Kysa yelling and looked outside to see her hanging from the monkey bars.  Kirb bolted out the door to save her, but Kysa let go before Kirby could get to her and definitely wasn’t happy.  She hurt her right heel and limped for the next 24 hours or so.  She tells everyone, “I falled off the monkey buys” and then frowns.  (Kysa can’t really say her r’s yet!)  I haven’t seen her climb up the monkey bar platform since, that’s for sure.  I hope it can slow her down for awhile.


Ty And I figured that someone would get hurt on the built-in playset at this house sooner or later, I just didn’t think the first injury would be from my two year old trying to do the monkey bars by herself!

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