Thursday, November 13, 2008

Raleigh Wins Dribble Tag

Thursdays are long days with basketball clinics at Apple, but the kids are troopers. Raleigh goes to his clinic from 3:30 to 4, and then goes to a youth bootcamp class from 4:30 to 5:30. I’m coaching from 3:30 to 6. About winning the game of “dribble tag” as Coach E calls it, Raleigh informed Ty, “I won even though I had a big ball that didn’t bounce very good.”

Raleigh said something funny tonight. I was going to pop some popcorn in the microwave, and he said, “No, mom, we need to eat that popcorn we got from the SCAVENGERS!” He was referring to the popcorn tin we bought from some SCOUTS for their fundraiser. Scouts…Scavengers…same thing, right!

Here is a classic Shay tantrum from open gym at Skyline on Wednesday:


camfox said...

Way to go Raliegh. Good little dribbler!

Haguewood Family said...

Kal you rock. I love that Raleigh is gonna be awesome at basketball like you and Ty right? Thanks for the encouraging words.