Sunday, March 30, 2008

RE: good idea

I wish you were Kysa's nursery teacher!

Today none of the nursery leaders showed up, so between the parents and the
primary leaders, we winged it.

I finally couldn't take it and took the girls home about 30 minutes early--I
was like, "Why am I torturing myself?"

Kysa does good with most of the kids, but there was a little boy that she
did not get along with. He was territorial when they were eating their
snacks and he kept pushing her away from him at the table. Then later he
wanted the toy that she was playing with. She pushed him down once when he
tried to get it from her. He is older but Kysa is bigger and I didn't want
her to hurt him, so we left soon after that. She can go from being a sweet,
helpful angel to kicking someone's trash in no time. (Ask Shay!)

Speaking of Shay, she likes to climb up into the dining room chairs when
they are pushed in next to the table. Naturally she gets herself stuck, and
then she cries. She did it several times would think she
would figure it out, but nope--we have to save her. I think as much as Kysa
was a climber, Shay is beating her in the "climbingest kid" category.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry and Roanne Gillette []
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 3:48 PM
To: Kaly
Subject: good idea

Today our Nursery lesson was about
H2O, so I did the fish crackers, plus
we got out the pole and did some fishing
in Kelsy's fish tank. Always a bonus.
They love it.
The fish stix sound good. Thanx for the tip.

So on Thurs. I will head to your house, from
Gram's. Dad will come with your Cad.
We will go to Rexburg, together, and Ty will
come later. You will get a sitter? Raleigh may
want to go? Afterwards, we just may go back
to MOM's. We'll see.
Love, MOM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Family Trip to Pinedale

Mom and I braved the three hour drive to visit Kirby and Andrew in Pinedale last week. They didn't sleep nearly as much as we had hoped, but it was worth it to see the Aquatic Center and Kirby and Andrew's new house.

The Aquatic Center is pretty amazing, especially considering its location. The kids all loved it, and as we expected, Kysa had a blast on the slide. Andrew even helped me try the climbing wall. It was exhausting--what a great workout. I didn't make it all the way to the top on the first two tries, but he had me switch to an easier part and I was able to make it...barely! Andrew is really good at it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

bloody nose

Ty is on Spring Break this week so I am working until he heads for his annual Anaconda basketball tourney with Raleigh this weekend.


He said the girls were battling it out this morning…Shay was sitting in one of the little white chairs and Kysa wanted to sit there.  So Kysa just sat right on Shay.  Shay defended herself and shoved Kysa off.  Kysa hit the tv stand and got a bloody nose.  Go Shay.


I’m sure it’s just the beginning of many battles to come.  But they also like to play with each other and make each other laugh—it’s kind of a love-hate relationship at this point.


Lately Kysa likes to say “My Shay Shay”  “Shay Mine”, stuff like that.  She tells me to go get Shay out of the crib when Shay wakes up.  Kysa just has an aggressive streak.  Apparently, so does Shay. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kysa is my X-Games Girl

Oh mom, that will be WONDERFUL to have you come next week!

I talked to dad before he left and he said he would come up next I
don't know if the two of you have talked, but whenever you can come, we will
be grateful. We are set to close on our house tomorrow. Landon Kesler was
our mortgage guy and he just does an awesome job making sure we have
everything lined up.

Ty has three more golf tourneys in Twin, so maybe he will take Raleigh on
the bus with him so he could spend the day with you. Raleigh really wanted
to go today but it was going to be too crowded. They brought all the kids
who were trying out for the team and had them play at Burley, while the ones
from last year played in a tournament at Twin. No golf in our neck of the
woods, heck, in the subdivision where we are buying that house there is
still 8 inches of snow. Most of ours has melted in Ammon, it's weird that
it's been that much warmer over here. Of course, we still have piles of it
where it has been shoveled, snowplowed, etc, but on the flat it is gone.

Shay took awhile to go to sleep tonight and entertained herself by taking
her shirt off. She looks so peaceful in there, I didn't dare wake her up to
put her shirt back on. We almost have to do the zip up jammies for her,
seems like she is taking her shirt or pants off every time she's not in a

She is getting so big. I just love my big babies, I wonder what it would be
like if I didn't have such sturdy kids. I don't think I told you this, but
Shay opened the door from grandma's kitchen to the front porch by herself.
She can reach the door handles at our house, but hasn't figured out how to
open them up quite yet. It won't be long. She opened the lever door at
Apple Athletic Club's treehouse today and walked right out. Yikes! I'm
excited to see how she does on the trampoline and find out if we have
another Kysa on our hands.

Speaking of Kysa, she got her coat and hat and shoes on and wanted to go
outside, so Raleigh was nice enough to go out with her. They had a great
time jumping on the tramp and I would periodically check on them, but I
stayed inside with Shay. Well finally they came in and Raleigh said, "kysa
really likes to jump off the tramp." Huh?

"Like into the snow bank, right?" I ask.

"No." Raleigh explains. "Onto the grass."

"How many times did she do it?"

"A lot. Like five,!" Raleigh informs me.

Okay, so who knows how many times my 25 month old jumped off the trampoline,
but tomorrow when they go outside I am going to watch very closely.

If there ever was a girl destined for something like the X-Games, it is my

I attached some pictures of the girls--Kysa doing her superwoman on my feet,
Shay being cute in her high chair--she loves to try to feed herself with a
spoon, Kysa showing us her mad face, and Raleigh playing Kelsy's GameCube
with Ty.

I tried playing Raleigh last night in one of the racing games on the Game
Cube, and he beat me so bad it was embarrassing. And he beat my bad TWICE!
I think I'm hopeless at video games. But he was so cute, he said, "Mom, you
just need to practice. If you want to be good, you have to practice, that's
all. I'm not that good--I just practice. But Daddy's really good."

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry and Roanne Gillette []
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 7:38 PM
To: Kaly
Subject: busy week

I know you are very busy. I will try and be there Sunday night. Well that is
if you have planned on doing lots on Monday. I can come for a few days,
then I will go to Kirby's to see ALL. But I will come back for Easter Sunday. You're not planning on a Egg Hunt? Too much going on for you to do that.
Just for Raleigh, and Ky? That will be good. Dad is with Doug Manning, Perry, Stan. On the ClearH2O. Be back on Sat. I have a Track Meet tomorrow. 4 teams coming. I hope the weather
will be nice. The internet has been down for 5 days. At Armstrongs they are using an electric fence and it interferes with the connection. It's just the pits. PMT is aware and working on it.
Love, MOM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Joys of Potty Training

Kysa is in the doghouse...

Or should I say the outhouse.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's okay mom, you just need to take a nap

This is what Raleigh said to me after I apologized for yelling at him yesterday.

(He was trying to help Kysa but was being a little overbearing demanding that she accept his help. I overreacted and yelled at him. His feelings were hurt and he went into the back bedroom. I went to talk to him and told him I shouldn't have yelled at him. He said, "It's okay mom, you just need to take a nap.")

97 Days Until the Teton Dam Marathon

It's been on my list of things to do for a long time: run a marathon.

I can check it off my list on June 14th.

I signed up for the Teton Dam Marathon. Here is the link to the site:

I have 97 more days to train. I am going to run 3 times a week with speed work on Mondays or Tuesdays, a tempo run on Wednesdays or Thursdays, and my long runs on Saturdays. I

will spin, swim, or play basketball on the other days with at least one session of weight training/week.

Doing a cross-training program will help me get ready for the Spudman at the end of July.

Here is my 14 week training plan that will start immediately:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

tallan's new baby

Wow, aren’t my cousin Tallan’s kids cute!